Vampire the masquerade clans list
Vampire the masquerade clans list

vampire the masquerade clans list

They ruled Rome behind the scenes, invented the feudal system, supported colonialism during the Victorian Age, and made massive profits during the Cold War by exploiting the panic and paranoia of the nuclear arm’s race. There is no major historical events where The Ventrue haven’t dipped their fangs in. Members of this clan have been pulling strings from the shadows for thousands of years, middling with human affairs whenever it served their interests.

vampire the masquerade clans list

The clan of kings, nobles, CEOs, politicians, patricians, judges Mafia bosses and businessmen, The Ventrue are tailor-made to lead the vampire society and enforce its laws. The Ventrue are the closest thing the vampire world has to an elite society. I wear the albatross and a bullseye." - Sebastian LaCroixĬongratulations! You’ve made it. I pronounce the blast sentence, and I soak the critical fallout. "The folly of leadership is knowing that, no matter what you do, behind your back there are hundreds, certain that their own solution is the sounder one, and that your decision was the by-product of a whimsical dart toss.

Vampire the masquerade clans list